
<<reaching out>>

This involves identifying an area of lack in a community, specifically relating to the individuals and endeavouring to meet it, providing assistance and support for those who might not have access to services or resources.

As Christian’s we have generally abdicated our responsibility to make Christ known, being passive instead of making it an active priority. We are guardians of the key to eternal life - knowing Jesus as Saviour yet have failed absymally to present Him to those heading to eternal damnation (Rev 20:15). The lepers in Samaria said, “We’re not doing right. This is a day of good news and we are keeping it to ourselves” (2 Kgs 7:9). If we understand the peril of those who die without receiving Him as Saviour, we will be more concerned that they hear about Christ in a way they can comprehend, “Telling what great things the Lord has done for you” (Mk 5:19). Jesus said, in one of His parables, “Go…and compel them to come…” (Lk 14:23). How many people will be in heaven because of my unrelenting reaching out with the love of Christ?

As His representatives we must be more intentional and proactive to get the message of Christ into the ‘market place’, where the lost are. It is our job to go where the ‘fish’ are, not expect them to come to us; we have compromised and replaced the Lord’s charge of “Go into the world” with the invitation to ‘come’ to our church. We must give the challenge,

Everyone is either a missionary or a mission field

what will you do with Jesus? This calls for them to make a decision. We are commissioned to “Go and make disciples…” (Mt 28:19,20). Do we take His command seriously?

Rather than a hyped-up staged event for special occasions, consciously work on developing a natural relaxed lifestyle that can weave Christ into everyday conversations. Where once mass gatherings of people being invited to hear the gospel preached were common and were the vehicle God used to bring many into the Kingdom the season has changed to be largely one-on-one friendship evangelism. This requires us each as Christians to be more proactive and adept at presenting the way of salvation in our mixing with those in our world. Pray that God will use the seed of the words you speak and the powerful witness of your life, to bring conviction of the need for a Saviour.

Good works coupled with friendship is a powerful means to build bridges to connect with and get an entrance into the lives and personal world of others to share about Jesus and His offer of salvation. This calls for us to share ourselves, expending our lives for the lost and following the example of Jesus who came to seek and save the lost (Lk 19:10).

To be effective in mission, we must ensure that we are distinctive but also that we do not retreat into a ‘holy huddle’ in which we are isolated from those who need to know about Christ. Effective mission depends both on distinctiveness and cultural engagement.

See also: eternal damnation, evangelism, gospel, marketplace, missionaries, testimony, witness/witnessing.