Mind of Christ

Having the “mind of Christ” means we view life from our Saviour’s perspective, having His values and desires in mind, endeavouring to think His thoughts and not those of the world who because they don’t have the Spirit can’t understand (1 Cor 2:5-16). Christ had a prayerful dependence on God, desired to bring His Father glory by bringing people into

It is viewing the world through Christ’s eyes

relationship with Him, and choose a mind-set of humility and obedience. The Bible’s message to us is, “Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus” (Lk 5:16, 19:10; Jn 17:5; Phil 2:5-8). We should walk as He walked, and help bring about His purpose (1 Jn 2:6). His prayer was, “Not my will but yours be done” (Lk 22:42). Having the mind of Christ means we identify with His purpose “to seek and to save what was lost” (Lk 19:10).

All believers have received the mind of Christ, yet because of our sinful nature, unless we take intentional steps to develop and nurture it, the world’s values will shape us in ways that are contrary to Gods so we must be proactive to develop His qualities. We are to take our thoughts captive and feed our minds the truth of God’s Word (2 Cor 10:5; Col 3:16). Be in healthy relationships with other godly believers who can point us to and keep us walking in the truth; another level is having a trusted accountability partner (Prov 13:14,20). As we tend to become like those whom we spend a great deal of time with, we need to spend consistent intimate time with Him, through prayer, worship, and meditating on the truth of His Word (Jn 15:5). If we claim to love Him, we will listen to Him and obey (Jn 10:27, 14:15). By the measure we submit to the Holy Spirits leading and allow Him to transform and renew our mind we will have the mind of Christ (Rom 12:1,2; Eph 4:30).

See also: accountability, discernment, Jesus Christ, mind, thinking/thoughts.