
<<gentleness, humbleness>>

Meekness is an inner attitude, expressed as gentleness in outward actions; this desirable quality is produced by the Spirit within the believers life and in God’s sight is of great value (Gal 5:22,23; 1 Pet 3:4). Jesus was the ultimate example of humility and mildness outworked before God and man (Mt 11:29, 21:5; Lk 4:22; 2 Cor 10:1). He had the power and right to exert His authority but chose the humble route – from being born in a cattle shed to a unmarried woman, to standing unjustly accused without a word of self-justification, and letting His own creation take His life (Mt 1:18, 27:12-14; Lk 2:7; Phil 2:6-8). Our attitude is to be like His – He did not retaliate, choosing instead to commit Himself to God who judges correctly (Phil 2:5; 1 Pet 2:23).

Meekness is a dimension of love we are to practice – “Be completely humble and gentle bearing with one another in love” (1 Cor 13:4-7; 1 Cor 4:21; Eph 4:1,2; Col 3:12; 1 Tim 6:11; Tit 3:2).  Although we have the power to act, meekness is refraining for the benefit of others. Do I display restraint or demand my rights, which only stirs up conflict?  The

A meek person does not retaliate and is not resentful

influence and prosperity of those who are mild, exercise self-control, serenity and patience is commonly greater, in the long-term, than the harassed, impulsive, impatient and quarrelsome person who demands their rights and is unsuccessful in their endeavours (Prov 16:32). A gentle answer is the best response, even with those who vigorously oppose us (Prov 15:1; 2 Tim 2:25; 1 Pet 3:15,16).  Speak and respond graciously, or you might have to eat your own words!

A meek person does not resent adversity but believes God in His wisdom, love and purpose has permitted it for their ultimate good and also to bless others (Gen 50:20; Act 14:22; Rom 8:28, 12:14; Heb 10:34). They live in humble dependence on God – not trying to bring about things by their own effort. Meekness is not weakness, rather strength under control; like a strong man picking up eggs without squashing any, they are held only as tightly as is required to lift them. Moses was the meekest man who lived, yet was not a weak man as he lead some 2.5 million people for 40 years in an inhospitable desert (Num 12:3). John the Baptist who ushered in the ministry of Christ, exhibited the spirit of meekness when he said, “Jesus must increase and I decrease” (Jn 3:30).

Meekness also makes a person teachable and receptive of wisdom and experience. Divine guidance is given to those who are humble (Ps 25:8,9). Indeed Jesus said meekness is the blessing by which you may inherit the earth and those who are merciful to others will receive it in return (Mt 5:5,7).

See also: fruit (of the Spirit), gentleness, humility, rights, submission.