Kingdom Now Theology

(also called Dominion Theology)

This is an unbiblical belief that Christianity will rise to power through the civil systems, pervade and rule all areas of contemporary society, so God’s Word will govern the nations. It focuses on claiming back control over the earth and subduing it for Christ, regaining the spiritual dominion that Satan stole through deception in the Garden of Eden (Mt 16:19).  It is similar to the disciples thinking Jesus was going to override the Roman rule and usher in the Kingdom of God (Lk 19:11; Act 1:6). This was not His intention then nor is it now, for His Kingdom (to which we belong) is not of this world (Jn 8:23, 18:36; 1 Cor 7:31; Col 3:2-5; Heb 11:10,14, 13:14; 1 Jn 2:17).

It is right to want justice done and Biblical principles upheld. We contribute to that by praying and being voices for God, excelling in our fields of expertise and being influential as salt and light in all strata of society, yet bringing the Kingdom of heaven to earth is not our responsibility (Ps 33:5; Amos 5:15; Mic 6:8; Mt 5:13-16). Regardless of the materially progressive advances made in society, humanity is declining spiritually and even the level of commitment from many believers has reduced, so any notion of reforming the world is more cosmetic than true to the core.

While the Bible clearly teaches we are to preach the gospel (which has the power to change the lives of those that embrace it), we are not commissioned to reform the world through political power (Mt 28:19,20). 

Transformed lives will bring change, not rules

Jesus defeated Satan on the cross but this was primarily in relation to humanity’s eternal destiny, rather than the world’s political systems, for the divine approach is to transform the heart from within rather than impose standards from without.  The full manifestation of Christ’s victory will only be evidenced when He returns (1 Cor 15:24-26; Rev 19:11-20:4).

Exponents teach that the church must gain control of the earthly governments and social institutions, thus establishing the Kingdom on earth to enable Jesus to return. They believe His return will occur after the thousand-year reign of God’s Kingdom, and there will be no need for the rapture of believers (1 Thes 4:15-17). A major emphasis is ‘binding’ Satan and his demons who have infiltrated the world’s systems.

While acknowledging such evil entities have invaded every aspect of earthly life, and preaching the gospel does include delivering people from demons, as believers we do not have to proactively look for opportunities to engage in this type of spiritual warfare.  Unfortunately, the reality is, because most people refuse to recognise the Lordship of Christ, evil will become so prominent Scripture asks “will He find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8). Christ will come for a glorious church ‘without spot or wrinkle’, “to be with me...where I am” (Jn 14:3). This is not our doing but a supernatural work with His righteousness instantaneously imparted to us, for as long as we are in these mortal bodies we always will have blemishes (1 Cor 15:27).

In summation, while we are to be partners with Christ to see His Kingdom come to earth, our focus should be on winning people into His Kingdom and helping them to be transformed into His likeness rather than conquering the world’s systems. The effect on society will come as a by-product of those embracing the gospel. That should not be viewed as the main goal of our efforts (Mt 6:10; Mk 16:15; Rom 8:29).

See also: change, doctrine, false teaching, new apostolic reformation, social gospel.