

The Israelites were homeless for 40 years in the desert (Num 32:13).  Jesus Himself sometimes had nowhere to lay His head and Paul spoke of being homeless (Lk 9:58; 1 Cor 4:11).

We are to use our worldly wealth to bless the disadvantaged who often, through no fault of their own, are disadvantaged and lack this world’s necessities; doing it as unto Christ, and as we would like them to do for us if we were in their situation (Mt 7:12, 25:35,40; Lk 16:9; 2 Cor 8:14). Our outward expression of faith is to be more than words if it is in our capacity and appropriate to met the need (Mt 5:42; Jas 2:15-17). Jesus said, we will be blessed by helping those who may not be able to repay us for our kindness and so our recompense will be in heaven (Lk 14:13,14).

See also: generosity, golden rule, hospitality, needy, poor, poverty, reward.