Free Will


This is the freedom of humans to make voluntary choices not determined by prior causes or divine intervention (determinism or fatalism). We are not puppets or robots that God directs and manipulates for unless we are free to choose we can’t be held responsible for our actions. Although we are

Consider the possible consequences before you make a choice

free to choose a course of action, we can’t choose or escape the consequences of those choices. Either man can say, ‘Lord your will be done’ or God says to rebellious man, ‘your will be done’. As we are to give account to God for all we do, it wise to consider the options and choices presented to us in that light, choosing those that will bless and benefit rather than cause loss and are to our detriment (Rom 3:19, 6:23, 14:12; Gal 6:7,8). God does not violate our wills by choosing us and redeeming us against our wishes. Rather, He changes our hearts so that our wills choose Him. He choose and loved us first, then we responded (Jn 15:16; 1 Jn 4:19).

It is impossible for our finite human minds to fully comprehend how God works, as His ways are completely different to ours – including how He shapes and moulds the will of man (Isa 55:8; Rom 11:33-36). “God does whatever pleases Him…No-one can hold back

Choices always have consequences

His hand” (Ps 115:3, 135:6; Dan 4:35). “My word will accomplish what I desire” (Isa 55:11). God knows the future and is sovereign over all (Isa 46:10; Mt 6:8; Col 1:16,17). In many areas His purposes are accomplished through people; both those who are yielded to Him and those opposed to His ways. Humanity aligns themselves with a pathway or mindset and God ‘assists’ them, “giving them over” to what they desire, outworking the election and predestination concepts (Rom 1:21-32, 2:6-9). So although neither God nor Satan can force us to obey or rebel (as they will not over-ride our freewill), they can bring thoughts into our minds from which we decide the response.

David did as God directed, and it is recorded “He served the purposes of God in his generation” (2 Sam 3:18; Act 13:36). Prior to the exodus from Egypt, Pharaoh had numerous opportunities to respond but continually resisted God. When the Bible says, “God hardened Pharaoh’s heart” this was not over-riding his will, rather it was confirming the decision to oppose God. Pharaoh is an example of the “Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord, He directs it wherever He pleases” (Ex 9:12; Prov 21:1; Rom 9:17). Rather than oppose God, we can be like Queen Esther, who chose to co-operate with God becoming an instrument in outworking His plans (Est 4:14).

Our natural desires are largely preoccupied with self, and if not disciplined this ability of freewill can result in our downfall (Jdg 17:6; 1 Kgs 11:2; Prov 14:12). The self-rule choice is continually before us, “Choose this day (and in each situation) who you will serve” (Josh 24:15).

Because of freewill we can voluntarily give up our future and rights in surrender to serve our Master, “I choose to do thy will, O Lord” (Mt 26:39,42). Do I have this same commitment to always endeavour to do His will and so fulfil His plan for my life? It will be costly; however, the long-term rewards are phenomenal. While specific rules (eg the Ten

Make good choices by operating within His perimeters

Commandments), along with the principles of the Word (knowing it will be our judge) are to be obeyed, and common courtesy (by doing to others as we would like done to us) should be observed, many choices are purely over to our preference as we exercise logic and common sense with our conscience not condemning us in what we do (Jn 12:48; Rom 14:22,23).

Just as we have been given a freewill, He has given this capability to all humanity, and their unwise decisions and mistakes can hurt and negatively impact us. Thus we should aim to act wisely in all situations with integrity and do to others as we would they do to us (Lk 6:31).

A freewill offering is an additional, voluntary gift made by an individual beyond the normal tithes that each Christian should at least give to the work of the Lord.

See also: accountability, boundaries, choice, conscience, consequences, desires, election, fatalism, freedom, God's will, legal, predestination, self-will, sovereignty of God, tithes, will.