
<<uncover, find>>

Jesus said there is coming a time when the truth will be revealed, with what has been kept secret being made known (Mt 10:26). When we stand before Christ, the divine spotlight will be on us individually – to answer for how we have lived our lives with the true value of our service for His Kingdom being

Have I discovered and am I passionately fulfilling God’s calling for my life?

revealed and rewarded accordingly (1 Cor 3:13, 4:5; 2 Cor 5:10).

Will I be ashamed by what is brought into the open about me? Now is the time to bring it to the light and deal with the undesirable things that have been hidden within. We are to repent of sin and sinful behaviour (and if appropriate ask for forgiveness of those directly involved) then move forward, being more humble and wiser, on a different pathway.

The Psalmist prayed for an enlightening of his mind by the power of the Holy Spirit when he read the Scriptures (Ps 119:18). Do I ask for His help to uncover the riches of truth in

What riches about Christ have I discovered today?

the Word of God, the ability to live it out and a dispelling of all ignorance and error?

The Holy Spirit points us to what awaits us in heaven and, like Paul, we can be confident our present hardships are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed in us (Rom 8:18; 1 Cor 2:9,10).

See also: application, accountability, call/calling, examine, expose, hide/hidden.