

You have made the best choice anyone can make to follow Christ who is the only route to heaven. Determine not to let Satan deceive and divert you from experiencing more of Him or from continuing on the path of life (Prov 12:28, 15:24; Mt 24:12,13; Act 2:28). Paul said he was astonished that some were quickly deserting the only pathway to heaven (Gal 1:6). Hold to the truth; let no one or nothing turn you aside. Persecution, peer pressure, the allurement of other things and temptation all try to entice us to leave the love of God we had at first (Rev 2:4).

In the parable of the soils, the seed sown on rocky ground endures for a period then the plant gives up in adverse conditions because there is a lack of soil to sustain life (Mk 4:3-20). God forbid this represents us. Spend quality time alone with the Lord in prayer and Bible study, then also with others for mutual encouragement and support. It is vital not to skimp on your relationship with Him. Our faith in Christ must support us through the hard times. The Christian life is not about starting well and then faltering by looking back and reconsidering but rather about consistent living and finishing well (Lk 9:62).

Throughout His ministry Jesus outlined the cost of discipleship with this strong statement, "If you don't give up everything you can't be my disciple" (Lk 9:23, 57-61, 14:26,27,33). This involves giving up our rights to everything we have by taking up our cross and following Him. Such a demand was too hard for some of the causal followers

Lord help me to remain faithful and loyal to you always

who turned away and no more associated with Christ. He asked His disciples “Will you also go away?” (Jn 6:66,67). What is my response when life gets difficult and I feel deserted by Christ? Remember though, Jesus said, "I will be with you always" (Mt 28:20; Heb 13:5)

When Jesus was arrested and at His crucifixion Peter denied knowing Him and everyone deserted Jesus (Mk 14:50,66-72). In confusion and fear, because their dreams were shattered and their hopes dashed, they distanced themselves from the one they had put their trust in, as they did not grasp the reality of what He had told them. Paul said, all his co-workers had left him and even at his first court appearance no-one came to his support, everyone having deserted him (2 Tim 4:9-16). We should stand with and give moral support to those in need, being ‘Christ’ to them (Mt 25:40).

If God has called you for a task, don’t run away in fear; instead ask Him for the strength and ability to do the task for His glory. Remain committed to your God-given assignment – He is counting on you doing it and the destiny of many may be dependent on your steadfastness.

See also: apostasy, backslide, commitment, coward, disciple/discipleship, fear, give-up.