Cultural Christianity

<<having a form of religion>>

In the first century, being a Christian was countercultural. To be a Christian, required being willing to give up everything for Christ as many were persecuted and killed because of their faith. However, over time compromise crept in diluting the demands of Christ with Christianity becoming more acceptable with even state and religion becoming

We are to follow God on His terms, not ours

intertwined. By the Middle Ages, the Roman Catholic Church held more power than most secular rulers in Europe did. It became acceptable to be classified as a ‘Christian’ and many folk adopting the term recognising the moral benefits of Christianity (treating people well and striving for peace and justice) without embracing Christ or even a belief in God at all. In this pretence of spirituality and religion, Jesus is seldom mentioned. Sin is overlooked and as most people are reasonably good they consider they will go to heaven, although there is no connection with Christ and little if any spiritual sacrifice made. Cultural Christianity’s views are fluid, with any Biblical directives interpreted according to one’s own viewpoint, and little intention to live out their understanding of ‘faith’. Many claim to be Christian, having been born into a traditional Christian family, having had a religious experience during childhood or because it is advantageous for them. The Bible’s solemn challenge is, “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith” (2 Cor 13:5). Jesus said many right living people who verbally claim to be Christian will expect to be granted access to heaven, but instead will experience eternal damnation because they failed to have a lifesaving relationship with Him and live as He expects (Mt 7:21-27).

Cultural Christianity is contrasted with genuine biblical Christianity that is a commitment to serve Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour, having surrendered to Him for salvation and forgiveness, understanding God condemns sin and

By God's definition am I a true Christian?

enacts justice, requiring repentance and a relationship with His followers who deny themselves, have taken up their cross daily and followed Him (Lk 9:23). God demands are to be central in a believer's life (Mk 12:30,31). The Bible is the guidebook and is to be the standard by which believers endeavour to live faithfully and consistently. Godly spiritual fruit should be naturally produced in the life of the true believer (Gal 5:22,23).

As the public popularity of Christianity is dwindling, those with a formal or cultural Christianity void of any reality will not be able to stand in the face of rapidly advancing secularism, with such people adopting more of the world’s deteriorating values. Only genuine Christianity that is based on the Bible and a relationship with Jesus can offer any real hope in these increasingly tumultuous times.

See also: carnal, Christianity, compromise, eternal damnation, examine, fruit (spiritual), pretence, religion.