
While there is an excitement and power in large numbers, the multitudes are not always right as the warped reasoning of a few can often sway the majority (Mk 15:11-15; Act 21:27-36). Joshua and Caleb had the Lord’s mind on the matter yet were out-voted by those who were not in tune with His purposes (Num 13:30-33). In a large group emotions

Am I bold enough to stand out from the crowd?

can get out of hand and, fueled by influential leaders who can manipulate mob psychology, people do what they normally would not do and act without reason (Act 19:23-41). When Jesus entered into Jerusalem multitudes celebrated and gave Him honour, yet within a week many of these same people shouted "Crucify Him" (Mt 21;8-11, 27:20-25). Public opinion can quickly change. The Bible warns, don't follow the crowd into wrong doing (Ex 23:2). Be prepared to stand out against the masses for what you know is right. Although you may feel alone in a vast gathering realise you are known and valued by God, whose dealings with us are mostly on an individual basis and to whom we are accountable on a one-on-one basis. We stand or fall on our own choices.

Jesus said, many people are making the wrong choice of being on the path that leads to hell compared to the relatively few who are heaven bound (Mt 7:13,14). Peer pressure whereby we are tempted to compromise our principles and go with the majority to gain their approval is a powerful force, yet don't allow the world to push you into its mould instead be faithful to and obey God rather than ungodly mankind (Act 5:29; Rom 12:1,2).

See also: loneliness, peer pressure.