
<<regular, faithful, stable>>

Our ongoing walk with God should not be a haphazard, ‘when it suits us’, relationship but a continual growing in grace and the knowledge of God, and maintained over the long-term through the tough times as well as the good (2 Pet 3:18). Our faith is proved genuine

Is my walk with God consistent?

through trials. Job continued to worship God in the midst of his calamities (Job 1:20,21). In contrast, the crowds following Jesus became offended and many turned back from following Him, when the cost of discipleship and His teachings became more intense. Jesus said, “No one having put his hand to the plough and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Lk 9:62; Jn 6:60-66). Prior to becoming a Christian or committing to a venture, a basic understanding of the requirements must be thought through. Being convinced of the significance of the undertaking so you can give a ‘till death us do part’ loyalty, not a spur of the moment emotional signup followed soon after by a reconsidering and reversal of the rash decision.

Jesus is the only foundation upon which a true spiritual life can be built. People should be careful to consistently continue building wisely (in keeping with the quality of foundation) so what is achieved will last and be rewarded, for if the materials used cannot withstand the fire of testing there will be loss
(Mt 7:24-27; 1 Cor 3:10-14; 2 Tim 2:20,21). Our lives are to consistently reflect what the Bible teaches, not picking and choosing our beliefs or having a different view of its teachings each day. Daniel was consistent in his spiritual disciplines, "just as he had done before" (Dan 6:10). He did not change this habit even when knowing it could get him into serious trouble.

Genuine spirituality is the result of faithful obedience to God and living by the principles of the Bible, just as a good reputation is gained by faithful effort over time and character qualities developed by holding true to convictions and beliefs. The Bible states, God never changes, and Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever with His mercy and love

Character is defined by consistent qualities

continually shown to us and forgiveness available when we repent (Ps 33:11; Lam 3:22,23; Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8; Jas 1:17; 1 Jn 1:9). We should be reliable, unmoved by the storms of life, having our lives anchored in Christ, our spiritual eyes focused on the hope to which He has called us and determined to fulfill our divine assignment (Ps 125:1; Eph 1:18; Heb 6:19). 

Can people count on us, because we are true to our word?  Is our lifestyle consistent with what we claim or are we being a hypocrite by saying one thing but doing the opposite? People with a variable commitment are unreliable and may let you down un-expectantly. It is an impossibility to serve two masters at the same time nor should be swopping loyalties; we were on Satan's side but choose to change teams (Lk 16:13). As believers we should be faithfully walking with Jesus, the master who gave His life that we might have life for then we will produce God-honouring fruit (Jn 15:4). The message to us is, "stand firm. let nothing move you" (1 Cor 15:58).

The discipline of children should be consistent and predictable, as this will bring security into their lives.

See also: character, commitment, dependable, faithfulness, reliable, spiritual disciplines, trustworthy.