
Three different NT men mentioned in the Book of Acts:

1/. Ananias with his wife Sapphira acted deceitfully, and paid for it with their lives (Act 5:1-11). In the early Church, many possessions were either shared or sold and the money distributed by the apostles to those who had needs (Act 4:32-37). There was no compulsion for anyone to sell any surplus property or to give any or all of the proceeds for the welfare of others. The sin of this couple was in claiming that they were generously giving the whole of the proceeds when in fact they were keeping back part for themselves. It was a predetermined act, discussed and agreed upon by them both to pretend it was the full amount. Satan seeks to gain the advantage over Christians (Eph 6:12; 1 Pet 5:8). We all have a weak areas whereby Satan tries to get a foothold into our lives, to cause us to stumble in our walk, tarnish our witness for Christ and destroy us  (Jn 10:10). There is always a price to pay for sin. God was very swift in judging this case of deception. Are we guilty of giving false impressions, less than honest answers or false accounts? They valued the praise of man more than the fear of God. They lied and died!

See also: lying.

2/. A Christian in Damascus who was instructed by the Lord through a vision to pray for Saul, who later changed his name to Paul. This prayer was to receive his sight back after the miraculous encounter with Christ and salvation experience three days previous (Act 9:10-19, 22:12). As Saul was known for his persecution of the Christians this made Ananias question the Lord’s directive. He was assured Saul was a changed man, and so by obeying he was a blessing to a most unlikely convert – God’s specially chosen person to bring the gospel to multitudes. So don’t let your mind override your conscience, or God’s voice but obey and be a blessing to those around you. We don’t know their potential for the Kingdom of God. Ananias feared God more than man. Obedience always brings blessing.

See also: hearing God's voice, obedience.

3/. A high priest in Rome before whom Paul was tried (Act 23:2, 24:1).